Optimal Placement for Closed Terrariums: A Comprehensive Guide for a Thriving Indoor Ecosystem

Optimal Placement for Closed Terrariums: A Comprehensive Guide for a Thriving Indoor Ecosystem


In recent years, closed terrariums have gained popularity as fascinating indoor ecosystems, bringing a touch of nature into our homes. The success of your closed terrarium largely depends on where you place it within your home. In this guide, we'll explore the optimal locations to ensure your closed terrarium thrives and becomes a stunning focal point in your living space.

Understanding Closed Terrariums

Before diving into the placement strategies, let's briefly understand closed terrariums. These miniature ecosystems consist of plants, soil, and sometimes decorative elements enclosed in a transparent container. The closed environment allows for a self-sustaining cycle where water is recycled, creating a low-maintenance and visually appealing piece of greenery.

Ideal Light Conditions

One of the key factors influencing the success of your closed terrarium is light exposure. Most terrarium plants thrive in indirect sunlight, making them ideal for indoor settings. When choosing a location, consider the following:

  1. Indirect Light: Place your closed terrarium in a spot with filtered or indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can lead to excessive heat and damage the delicate plants inside.

  2. North or East-Facing Windows: These windows typically provide the right balance of light without the intensity of the afternoon sun.

  3. Artificial Lighting: If natural light is limited, supplement it with artificial light sources, such as fluorescent or LED lights. Ensure the terrarium receives 12-16 hours of light each day.

Temperature and Humidity Considerations

Closed terrariums create a microclimate, and maintaining the right temperature and humidity levels is crucial for plant health. Consider the following tips:

  1. Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Keep your terrarium away from drafts, radiators, and air conditioning units to prevent temperature fluctuations.

  2. Consistent Room Temperature: Aim for a consistent room temperature between 19-24°C to create a stable environment for your plants.

  3. Humidity Levels: Closed terrariums naturally create a humid environment. However, if you live in a particularly dry climate, mist the terrarium occasionally to boost humidity.

Choosing the Right Room

The room you choose can significantly impact the well-being of your closed terrarium. Consider the following aspects:

  1. Living Rooms or Bedrooms: These are ideal locations as they provide a stable temperature and are frequently inhabited, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of your terrarium.

  2. Avoid Kitchens and Bathrooms: These areas often experience extreme temperature and humidity fluctuations, which can be detrimental to your closed terrarium.

Placement Tips for Specific Terrarium Types

Different closed terrariums may have specific requirements. Consider the following tips based on the type of terrarium you have:

  1. Moss Terrariums: These thrive in low-light conditions, making them suitable for rooms with minimal natural light.

  2. Desert Terrariums (Open Terrariums): Place in a sunny location with ample natural light, and ensure good ventilation to prevent excess humidity.


By carefully choosing the placement of your closed terrarium, you can create an enchanting and thriving indoor ecosystem. Follow these guidelines to provide the ideal conditions for your plants, and watch as your closed terrarium becomes a captivating centrepiece in your home.

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